The MSBM program is taught through a combination of lectures, workshops and tutorials.
The core syllabus remains constant, every year – covering all the basics for modern mass spectrometry before going into the details of the key applications in the fields of biotechnology and medicine. The core syllabus is summarized below. The actual decision about what sections are given by what faculty member for any year will vary slightly depending on the invited faculty.
The timetable for the MSBM 2024 Summer School is here. This timetable is provided simply as an example to illustrate how the school might be organized – the normal structures of the days etc. The MSBM 2025 timetable will be very similar and will be available in due course – but the core syllabus will remain the same.
Information about the poster presentations can be found here.
MSBM 2024 Faculty
The MSBM 2025 program will be delivered by the following faculty*:
- Dr Laura Bindila, University of Mainz, Germany
- Dr David Clarke, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Prof Garry Corthals, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Prof David Goodlett, University of Victoria, Canada
- Prof Ron Heeren, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- Dr David Kilgour, Vibrat-Ion Ltd, UK
- Prof Joseph Loo, UCLA, USA
- Dr Rachel Loo, UCLA, USA
- Dr Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic, PNNL, USA
- Dr Harry Taylor, University of Nottingham, UK
There is more information on the main Faculty page.
* – Note that this faculty list is subject to change. External factors or other issues can result in changes to the advertized faculty.
Core MSBM Syllabus
As the summer school is deigned to be suitable for attendees from a wide variety of backgrounds, there is a standard core syllabus that we cover every year:
- Mass spectrometry basics
- Introductions to main classes of mass analysers – ToF, ion traps, quadrupoles, FTMS etc.
- Ionization sources – ESI, MALDI etc.
- Ion mobility
- Separations methods – LC, CE, HILIC, fractionation etc.
- Tandem MS – CID, ECD, UVPD, SRM, MSM, DDA, DIA etc.
- Mass spectrometry systems – e.g. LC-ESI-QToF, IMS-MSMS etc.
- Proteomics – bottom-up, top-down, quantitative etc.
- Other omics – lipidomics, metabolomics, glyomics etc.
- MS data processing and Informatics
This didactic program will commence on the Monday. Please note that a written examination is distributed on Monday that is collected at the week’s end. For those students who pass the examination, credits may be available at their EU home institutions. In some cases the same may be true for Russian institutions, but in these cases the students will have to explore this on their own as we have an agreement only within the EU.
With regard to credits that may be earned in total, the Program will be about 35 working hours (including completion of the exam). Certificates of participation will be provided that will list the actual number of the working hours, with the Exam outcome (pass/fail), which should allow participants to obtain credit in their MSc and PhD programs equal to a given number of credits, including ECTS credits. For instance, if 1 ECTS credit = 25 working hours in a given university, then a participant will be eligible for about 1.4 ECTS credits.
Poster Information
All attendees are invited to present a poster describing some part of their research or professional interest. There is a dedicated poster session and the posters are entered into a competition judged by the visiting faculty. The winning poster presenters get to present their research in mini-presentations in the main theatre.
Posters should be A0 and designed in Portrait Format. (Long and tall, not wide and short)
We will send out an email requesting your poster titles and abstracts (~150-200 words) 2 weeks before the event, so they can be included in the program.
The MSBM summer school would not be possible without the generous sponsorship of our sponsors. We gratefully acknowledge the following companies for helping us to deliver the MSBM Summer School.