The Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry (JASMS) recently featured an interview with our very own Ljiljana Paša-Tolić.

In the interview, Lily talks about her first experiences with mass spectrometry, her distinguished career at the Pacific Northwest National Lab, what new developments excite her in the field, and how she unwinds (or at least, how she attempts to!)

ASMS started the “Faces of Mass Spectrometry” series in 2018, with the goal of highlighting the diversity of ASMS members, as well as to demonstrate the various paths that one can undertake to achieve a career in mass spectrometry

The “Faces of Mass Spectrometry” series has featured a number of our guest faculty over the years, including Facundo Fernandez (2024 Faculty) and Joseph Loo (2025 Faculty)

You can access the full catalogue of interview for the series here

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