Jasna Peter-Katalinic, Founder of the MSBM Summer School and Professor at the Universities of Rijeka and Muenster, retired.
Prof Peter-Katalinic set up the Biomedical Analysis Group at the University of Muenster almost thirty years leading in the field of biological mass spectrometry, developments and applications to human diseases. She has most recently been Professor at the University of Rijeka.
In the last 15 years the focus of her work has been directed toward structural systems biology, which encompasses structural analysis of complex biological systems. Novel MALDI-TOF, ESIQTOF and high field FT-ICR mass spectrometry protocols and new MS fragmentation protocols for de-novo sequencing were developed and implemented to proteomics and glycomics to achieve high confidence structural and heterogeneity analysis. Novel technologies for biological sample delivery, like hyphenated microanalysis, automatization and chip-MS, were implemented for identification and validation of glycoconjugates such as oligosaccharides, glycoproteins and glycolipids of biological importance. The group carried out a number of research projects in cooperation with German, European and US university groups. The group has collaborated on specific topics and technologies with industrial labs in a bilateral way.
Prof PeterKatalinic’s vision led to the organization and administration of the first MSBM in September 2001. She continues as an emeritus member of the organizing committee.